
Dr. Othman Alhusain

for Ward 7 - Bay Ward Councillor

First Priorities

  • New and renovation infrastructure and transportation projects in our Ward and City are taking ages to complete where our streets are turned upside-down, and our transportation system is disrupted, all this is causing a lot of noise, dust, discomfort, delays, and disruption. I will strive to shorten the execution periods of such projects.

  • I will support long-term care and all other initiatives that serve the interests of seniors, especially, I will initiate gearing up rent to income for seniors, both in city housing and in private rental market.

  • I will take it on myself, and I will strive to have the City Council executing its duties in an open, transparent, corruption-free and nepotism-free manner.

  • In taking decisions in the City Councill, and in discussion of any development or project in the Bay Ward, I will depend on real and meaningful consultation with the Community and Community Associations in Ward 7 (Bay Ward). I will give priority to the opinion and feedback of the Community over the wishes of City bureaucrats.